Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 9, 1981


“There was one day on a trip that I was very ill, and I felt, as I sat on the edge of the bed, a great yoke around my chest and over my shoulders, and it was a weight that I could not describe. At the time it became so heavy I wanted to cry, and I asked God to take it off because, ‘It’s too heavy, God, I can’t stand it anymore.’

About two hours later as I was laying in bed I was told that the yoke had to be and it could never be taken off until much was accomplished according to His Will. I found myself saying: ‘They are not listening, God. You have spoken so many times and in so many ways, and my tiredness makes me want to rest and not talk.’ He said: ‘The yoke is My Love for mankind. The yoke is to assure mankind of your service to Me. The yoke is placed there so you will always remember there is work to be done, service to be rendered, and children to be taught.’

I asked Him what the yoke looked like, for I said: ‘My shoulders seem bent under it. I feel as though my body cannot stand up under the pressure or the weight.’ He said, ‘The yoke crosses the shoulders like a strap, and the strap in the front and the strap in the back is to guide every movement.’ He said without the yoke, men would try to get me to go their way. He said: ‘The yoke is more than a reminder. The yoke has become very heavy because of man’s lack of change.’

I said, ‘What is the inscription on the yoke?’ and at this He smiled and He said, ‘Service and obedience without question, dedication and commitment to My Will without faltering.’ I said, ‘There seems to be more written on the yoke.’ He said: ‘It is written in many languages for many people. It is written in many ways for children of all kind.’

I asked Him the color of the yoke and He smiled and He said, ‘The color can only be described thusly: It is a brilliant Light blinding to the eye of mankind, but,’ He said, ‘in this Light there is Wisdom, Hope, Love, Mercy and Justice for all men who desire to see the yoke, who desire to understand the yoke, and who desire to share the yoke of such commitment to Divine Will.’

I asked Him another question: ‘Will You ever release the yoke?’ He said, ‘I will release the yoke when My Will is accomplished upon the earth.’

As the story unfolded to me, there was much more detail, but the more I understood the necessity for this yoke, the more responsibility I felt for taking care of the yoke.

I asked Him another question: ‘Will men ever understand the value of their Faith in You? Will men ever stop listening to satan?’ He smiled again and He said: ‘Use a firm hand for unless you do, the weight of the yoke will be more than you can stand. Men must begin to see the value of obedience to Me, the necessity for reaching for purity. Men must become more pious, more respectful.

‘A long time ago I gave the world a Miracle, a Miracle of Truth, Honor, Dignity and Hope. And in the Teachings that I gave, I gave mankind Direction to live by and to grow in more hope for All Eternity. They have allowed distractions to enter in, and in many ways now men have a hopelessness within them, for they are torn between the right and the wrong, the good and the evil. Men are listless and men are restless, for they feel if they follow the Light of Divine Will they will miss out on life and they will forfeit joy and happiness.

‘I have given mankind Hope in All the Words that I have spoken and in All the Words and Directions I have allowed The Saints to speak.

‘The yoke is a yoke of honor, as was the armor of the knights of old. Their armor was extremely heavy and they wore it with honor, to protect their body, but also to show they were warriors for a particular cause.’

He said: ‘Tell My daughters and tell My sons who respect what they have been given, that when they wear their “Yoke of Atonement”1 and their “Shield of Honor”,2 they must know there is much responsibility when such a piece of armor shows. And when they take it off, what it stands for may be out of sight, but they must always keep it in mind that as I look at them I see the Yoke of Atonement and the Shield on them.

‘And so it is with you, My daughter, the yoke you wear, different in size and proportion, in design and color, but those who love Me wear a yoke, wear the yoke of a warrior, for the Soul to return to Me.’

Be blessed, My children, for what I have spoken is fact. What I have given to you in Words is for you to better understand that the outward appearance of what you have accepted to wear makes others recognize you and makes them know that you truly care.

The time in the world is serious, and men are walking away from The Father’s Will and they are walking into the briar patches, trying to experience thrills.

The time has come and you must know that you must be committed and dedicated to only obey The Father’s Will. And remember, My children, that though your eyes cannot see all things, My Eyes are aware of all children, all Souls, all things, not just in the world but throughout the whole universe. Show your Faith in a respectful way. Show your love for Divine Will in your obedience to the Ten Commandments, and respond to the Light with piety, trust, honor, dignity and hope. So be it.”

1 The “Yoke of Atonement” is a specially designed Scapular worn over the shoulders by the members of The Society Of The Little Way, as an outward expression of commitment and dedication to practice virtues in imitation of “The Little Way of Saint Therese of Lisieux”.

2 The “Shield of Honor” worn by the men in The Society Of Saint John Vianney is an outward sign saying that as the Shield is worn it is to defend and protect Holy Mother Church, the vocation of the Priesthood, and the Faith upon which Holy Mother Church was founded.