“The Seven Sacraments”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 24, 1981


“The Sacrament of Baptism is precious to mankind for it is an Act of Consecration to Purity. It is an act of submission to God’s Will through purification. It is a form of commending one’s whole self to the Will of God, to reject satan and all sinful acts, actions or involvements.

When Baptism is given to a small child, it is to ensure such purification and it is to assure the child that this Act of Love was acted upon immediately so the child would have the privilege of knowing that it was in the State of Grace through the act of a Great Sacrament beloved by God, and one in which strength would come in the hour of need for the good of the child’s Soul.

As soon as a child is ready to understand cleanliness, a child should be taught about the Baptism he or she had been given, and it should be stressed throughout one’s life by Priests, emphasizing the Importance of this Great Sacred Sacrament.

In the last years men have diminished this Sacrament by their lack of dignity in performing it, their lack of piety in reference to it, and their changes in preparation for the reception of it. Perhaps they felt it better this way, but it is still the Sacrament of Baptism, and perhaps it should be stressed more about its full meaning, not just before the child is baptized, but during sermons at Mass, during special devotions, and it should be obvious through constant example of sound moral values and sound moral standards expressed by everyone.”

“To be alert to the necessity of Penance has wisdom, because restitution, retribution, reparation must be the balance for unkindness, indecencies, impurities, and any acts against God’s Ten Commandments.

The treasured Sacrament of Penance should never be dismissed or diminished because it is a constant reminder that we must make amends through retribution for all our offenses against God, and this Sacrament should be constantly in our mind so that we do not stray into the briar patches and become so involved in struggling to release ourselves that we omit or bypass the advantage or the opportunity to prepare ourselves for the Sacrament of Penance, partaking in its availability, reminding us of the necessity for purification of our Soul for our entrance into Heaven.”

“The reception of Holy Communion is distinct from all other things in life. Its very exceptional quality should be a treasured moment each time we approach this Sacrament of Divine Love. It is a time of union with God physically, mentally and spiritually embraced with His Love, His Strength, and His Hope that in this union with Him, we will yearn and work for the Goal of Sainthood.”

“The Sacrament of Confirmation envelops and involves The Holy Spirit of God, and in receiving this Sacrament we are told that we will grow in Spiritual maturity. This Sacrament should never be avoided if it is at all possible for one to receive it.”

“The Sacrament of Matrimony should be treated with solemnity and dignity in every aspect of it. The new theory of so-called preparation for this Important Sacrament has many pitfalls in it, and in many cases it has degraded the Sacrament before it is performed.

Many couples are subjected to the ridicule and the immoral banter by a novice or a supposedly well-rounded, or well-versed practicing Catholic who injects a suggestive sensitivity to the supposedly preparatory sessions that the men in the Church are demanding as premarital preparation.

Not a few, but many people who have been exposed to this disgraceful time have left these sessions disheartened by the lack of sound moral values and sound moral standards that took place regarding their contract in marriage. Such immature, imprudent practices should not be allowed.

The Sacred Sacrament of Matrimony is between two people, witnessed by the celebrant, and his place is not as the great interrogator of their personal problems or situations, but as the witness to their contract that should be done with a solemnity, a purity, and a direction to their piety in this relationship.”

“This vocation is meant to be followed in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. The schooling and practical experience is meant to teach about God, perform the Sacraments, and continuously serve the Spiritual needs of all mankind for the sake of his own Soul, and the Souls of all people he comes in contact with. He chooses this life, he accepts this life, he understands the responsibilities attached to it, and he commends his life in service to God for the good of mankind.

What has happened to the Priesthood? First, that so few young men and older men are taking up this form of life, this way of life, this path of life?

Secondly, what has happened to those who were well-trained in the strictness and the importance of the Spiritual growth that is expected of them for the good of all men’s Souls? What has happened to their Faith in God, their Faith in Holy Mother Church, their belief in the Consecration at Holy Mass, the necessity for devotions that are tried and true, and that have through time given strength to the flock? How can these men turn away from our Heavenly Mother, deny that the Holy Rosary is a beautiful form of prayer?

There is an endless list of Whys connected to this Great Sacrament that involves men who seem to have accepted humanism rather than defending the Faith of a Supernatural Life that God intended for all Souls to one day be a part of.”

“This Beautiful Sacrament has been known many times to not just fortify someone who is dying, but has been the cause of the return of health or an improvement in health when it was exercised in the proper manner for the proper reason.

This Sacrament is special because it gives hope and strength to one’s Faith in God in a time of need. The new casualness associated with this Sacrament diminishes its Importance, and of course, the fact that it is not now necessary for a Priest to perform this Sacrament, in many ways defeats its purpose by it not being given by a Priest, because of the strength needed by the patient in knowing that a man who has chosen the Priesthood follows in the footsteps of Christ, thus innately feeling that Christ uses the Priest for such an Important Sacrament.

When Our Lord went to Lazarus, there was no doubt that Our Lord’s Presence was important, and that just any man visiting Lazarus could not have performed such an Act of Love, nor could any other man have given Mary and Martha the hope they had.

The men in the Church should see themselves in this role of importance where the Faith of a human being is at stake. They should think of the story of Lazarus and not feel important but responsible, and carry out the tasks that are necessary to give the hope and the strength to the human factor, and to the Soul of the human being when it is needed.”

“The time is NOW that we Roman Catholics take a stand in defense of the dignity, respect, piety, solemnity and importance due to the Seven Sacred Sacraments.

Through a humanistic evolution of updating Them, They have been diminished by the casual and/or improper attitude in Their disposition, in the teachings on Them or about Them, and the unrealistic updating of the information and instruction surrounding some of Them that is out of line with the real Sanctity of Them.”