“I Must Remember My Soul Is A Reflection Of All That I Am”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 16, 1981


“Vanity is nothing more than a constant emphasis on one’s self, in wanting everyone to see them as extremely attractive or even beautiful, also perfect in many ways. This weakness, titled ‘Vanity’, is in reality showing only a self-centeredness, lacking humility, finding a worthless satisfaction in being the center of attention at all times.

Vanity is a false way of living, and there is no real satisfaction in vanity because vanity depends upon the compliments and attention from other people that a wise person sees as totally unfulfilling, unproductive, and most times insincere.

Vanity can never replace wisdom or give happiness because it is based on one’s own imagination, one’s own pride, and one’s own inability to face life in an honest, sincere, day-to-day living.

Vanity is weakness, and breeds weakness. Vanity is like a reflection in the mirror. Results of vanity are fleeting, flighty and few. Vanity is also the basis for that terrible stigma, jealousy.

Jealousy is displayed in many ways: little sarcastic remarks, unkind hints, angry outbursts, unfair gossip, insincere compliments.

Vanity and jealousy can be grievous sins because each of these things are unlimited in their directions, and they can be detrimental to the character of another person, to the reputation of another person, or to the nature and personality of another person.

Never look at vanity and jealousy as just two words that are spoken of lightly once in awhile. These two serious ways to think and to act can be destructive and are never constructive.

If there are any signs of either of these worthless, distasteful characteristics in your nature or personality, it would be wise to replace them with good example, sincerity, and concentrate on virtues, eliminating self-love.”