“Slavery To What? To Whom? Why?”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 14, 1982


“Have you ever thought of yourself as being a slave to another person’s opinion or opinions? or to someone else’s moral values, or moral standards, or diabolic gestures, intentions, motives, inclinations, performances, theory, analysis, culture?

What about your accepting and going along with sick humor, social degeneracy, social indignities, just to be ‘hep’ because you are hyped up on being ‘with it’?

Are you a slave to another person’s lack of integrity?

Do you consider yourself a slave in any form, fashion, or condition?

Are you a slave to the weaknesses of others?

Do you enjoy slavery because you feel it lessens, shortens, or eliminates you from the full responsibility of sound decision?

Are you a slave to the atmosphere and conditions of morale that others stage for you?”