“The Feminine Gender Says Much - Modesty, Humility, Dignity, Charity, Gentleness, Refinement”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 22, 1982


“The privileges of womanhood are limitless. Any excuses to deviate from being all the things God has created woman to partake in, be responsible for, and constantly express by example, are weak excuses to logic, fact and reality.

All of society is being victimized by the onslaught of immoral fads, the new rage of open demonstration in a frenzy over immoral practices, such as vulgar crude participation in morally sick entertainment; also, disguising home parties that are prepared to sell products but emphasize vile entertainment, creating a Sodom and Gomorrah atmosphere and involvement. How can women allow themselves to be a part of such a degrading situation?

Some women are exhilarated by the suggestiveness and lewd intentions. Others feel intimidated and ashamed but too weak to leave the evil, corrupt, immoral involvement. Some women think it’s sophisticated, and justify its foulness as retaliation to men because of the past socially acceptable masculine promiscuity. Nothing justifies any case of immorality, any cause blamed for it, or for any reason to permit it.

Whatever happened to the dignity, refinement and beauty of womanhood in modesty?

Whatever happened to the practice of humility as a strength in situations that called for a decision of purity?

Whatever happened to the desire to express refinement or genteelness at school, work, home or social functions?

Whatever happened to charity; that is, the real meaning of charity, such as sincerity in friendships, discussions that did not include lewd or vile intentions or motives, actions that demonstrated only sound values and sound standards, loyalty to confidences, and only good example?”